Floods in Surakarta City

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Floods in Surakarta City still persist to this day, Saturday (18/2). The Center for Control and Operations (Pusdalops) of the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of Central Java Province noted that 21,864 people had been affected and 4,440 residents had to evacuate at 12 points spread across Joyoakan, Gendekan, Semanggi, Pucang Sawit, Kedunglumbu, Sudiro Prajan and Pasar Kliwon .

The data released this morning corrected the previous data which stated that 7,885 people had been displaced.

Source: BNBP. 18 Feb 2023. Banjir Kota Surakarta Masih Bertahan, Kepala BNPB Berangkat ke Solo Pagi Ini https://www.bnpb.go.id/berita/banjir-kota-surakarta-masih-bertahan-kepala-bnpb-berangkat-ke-solo-pagi-ini